Are You a Candidate for Robotic Knee Replacement?

If you found your way to this quiz, there’s a high likelihood you’ve been dealing with knee pain, stiffness, and difficulty walking and enjoying sports and leisure activities for some time, and you’re curious to know when enough is enough.

Many patients tell us they wish they’d have decided sooner. But it is a big decision, for you and for those who will support you through the experience.
The first step is to determine if you are good candidate. Before deciding on surgery, Medicare and most insurance plans require that you have tried and failed other options and more conservative measures.

Choosing to get your knees replaced is a personal decision. We never push patients toward surgery and will work with you to find a different treatment plan if you’d prefer. When you’re ready to talk about surgery or want to explore conservative treatment or physical therapy you are welcome to make an appointment to consult with our doctors to talk one-on-one about your options.

Use the 5-point scale indicated below to answer the following questions.

Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree

_____ Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (ibuprofen, Naproxyn, Dicolfenac gel etc.) alleviate my pain and stiffness
_____ I have tried steroid injections and they alleviated my pain for a short time and then didn’t work anymore
_____ I have tried viscosity / lubricating injections but they didn’t help enough
_____ I tried at least 6 weeks of physical therapy to alleviate my pain – but it didn’t do much good after I stopped
_____ Low-impact exercises (swimming, cycling, walking) alleviate my pain and stiffness
_____ I am currently at or below my ideal weight for my height
_____ Recent (6 months or less) x-rays indicated that I am Bone-on-Bone
_____ I can fully bend and straighten my knee without pain
_____ I trust my knee not to give way unexpectedly going up and down stairs or walking on flat surfaces
_____ I cannot walk on sand or pebble surfaces without fear of my knee giving way
_____ I trust my knee not to give way or get sharp pains getting up from the toilet or taking a shower
_____ My knee makes clicking and popping sounds and it hurts when it happens
_____ My knee pain is getting more intense and frequent every day
_____ My knee pain keeps me up at night
_____ My knee pain aches all over and worse during and after exercise
_____ My knee pain is worse when it’s raining or cold
_____ I have morning stiffness in my knee that lasts 30 minutes or longer
_____ I sometimes need to use a cane or a walker
_____ My knee stiffness is worse after sitting for a long time or on a car ride or at a movie theater
_____ My knee frequently swells up and is tender to the touch in certain places
_____ I frequently need to park in handicapped parking spaces
_____ I don’t shop where I can’t use an electric carts for guests due to pain
_____ I do less home cooking and housekeeping due to pain
_____ I have had to stop doing the things love because of how my knee feels
_____ It is difficult to get in and out of my car because of my knee pain and stiffness
_____ It is impossible to enjoy a bus group tour or vacation because I can’t manage the stairs into and out of the bus
_____ It is difficult to manage vacation travel and airports without wheelchair assistance
_____ If I had to run or move quickly even just a few steps to get away from something, I could not do it
_____ I have been diagnosed with avascular necrosis

63 or less

You’ll probably benefit from a trial of conservative therapy 

64 to 95

You’ll probably benefit from further evaluation and may be a candidate 

96 or higher

You’ll probably benefit from a robotic knee replacement

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