About Craig Degen, PA-C

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Craig Degen PA-C, RT(R)
Physician Assistant, Certified
Registered Radiologic Technologist
Ask your physician, employer, union, insurer, attorney, or primary health provider for a referral to our office for your orthopaedic problem, or call directly for an in-person or telehealth appointment.
(435) 523-3378 (phone)
(435) 523-3376 (fax)

Craig Degen, PA-C serves as Dr Hicken’s physician assistant. Prior to completion of his PA training, he trained and worked as a radiologic technologist.

A physician assistant-certified (PA-C) is a graduate of an accredited physician assistant educational program who has undergone testing by the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants. PA-Cs are state-licensed to practice medicine with a supervising physician.

Craig is licensed to prescribe medications, lab testing and imaging studies in both Utah and Nevada. He sees patients independently and performs in-office procedures and also assists Dr Hicken in the office and in surgery.

As a new patient, if you have not had recent (past 6 months) images of your knee, hip, shoulder, or other musculoskeletal problem, you’ll likely be scheduled to see Craig, first. After your test results have been returned to our office, you’ll be scheduled to visit with Dr Hicken, either in person or via telehealth.

As a young man, he served his mission with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, in New Zealand

A single father, he raised three beautiful daughters. One now lives in Hawaii and the other two are still in school locally, in Washington, Utah. When he has time, he enjoys mountain biking, mountaineering, hunting and other outdoor sports. 

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